What is language translation?

Translation is the process of converting words from one language into another.

Language translation, in more detail, is the conversion of text or other communications from a source language to a target language, or set of target languages.

For example, translating an English-text document into Spanish. 

The purpose of translation is to enable people who speak different languages and dialects to effectively communicate, collaborate, and understand each other. 

There are two main types of translation: machine translation and human translation. However, this can be broken down into further categories, including machine translation with postediting, specialist translation and transcreation. 

Professional translation services can cover a wide range of materials, including: 

  • Documents
  • User manuals 
  • Websites 
  • Marketing materials
  • Advertising copy 
  • SEO keywords 
  • Sales collateral 
  • Internal communications 
  • Videos 
  • Labels 
  • And more. 

Do you require language translation services? 

We offer a range of translation solutions to ensure your message resonates globally. Contact us today for a free quote.