What is document translation?

Document translation is the process of converting a text document from one language to another.

The process of document translation includes transforming a written document from one language into another, or a variety of other languages.

For instance, translating a document written in English into German.

This can be for a multitude of purposes, such as business communications, legal matters, immigration, or personal use. 

There is a wide range of documents that can be translated, including: 

  • Birth certificates 
  • Marriage certificates 
  • Contracts 
  • Agreements 
  • Financial statements 
  • Wills 
  • Court documents 
  • Medical records 
  • User manuals 
  • And more. 

Often, documents used for legal or government purposes require official, certified translation.

Usually, this requires the expertise of a professional translation agency, along with a statement of accuracy. In some cases, notarisation may also be necessary for further validation.

Are you in need of document translation?

Ensure accuracy and credibility with our certified translation services. Get a free quote today!